Yesterday was too hot for me and the boys, today is definitely better and we are enjoying the breeze. Daisy is spending time out with us early in the morning when it is cooler for her too :)
Have you seen my June video 'Sun
at Last'on my You Tube channel? Horse Life and Love.
Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.
You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter for updates onBasil, Tommy
and Daisy.
can't believe this weather we have been having in the past few weeks.Rain, rain and more rain.This has been the type of weather when horses
can get rainscald..... it is supposed
to be summer so horses are not usually wearing rugs and they have their thinner
summer coats.There is less grease and
less protection with most horse's summer coats, so I thought I would take the
opportunity to re-post this blog from 2016.
is Rainscald Rainscald
is a skin irritation which some horses develop when exposed to the environment.
It is caused by the same organism which
causes mud fever.
Signs The
hair on the horses back and croup becomes matted and an inflammatory liquid
oozes from the skin.The hair may fall
out in clumps and often leaves a raw, bleeding surface.
Causes Long
periods of rain causing an irritation of the skin - usually on the back and
croup because these areas are flat and take most of the rain when it falls.
Diagnosis Scabs
are taken and observed through a microscope to identify the bacteria.
Treatment Rainscald
will heal on its own, however, future prevention is advisable.In the worst cases treatment involves gently
removing the loose hair.The area should
then be washed with a mild shampoo and warm water.This will help soften the scabs and some may
lift away.The horse should then be
dried thoroughly.
the coat is dry the horse can be gently brushed with a soft body brush.Finally, apply an appropriate cream to any
exposed skin - this will help keep it moist and supple. Massage this into the area which will also
help stimulate the horses circulation.
with mud fever this will need reapplying regularly.As scabs become loose they can be removed
being careful not to make the area bleed.Once the scabs have gone the hair will be able to regrow.
Prevention Protection
from the elements.A stable or field
shelter for the worst weather, for some horses a turnout rug will be necessary.
Look out for my June vlog - later today.Have you seen my last video'One May Day'on my You Tube channel? Horse Life and Love.
Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.
You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter for updates onBasil, Tommy
and Daisy.
was a great month, we got lots of riding in, lots of hacks and had fun.Basil loves being busy so has been a happy
chap.I swapped the horses to their summer
routine at the end of the month so they are now out at night and in during the
day.This keeps them away from the flies
and hot sun as Basil has a sensitive nose.Tommy is on restricted grazing and has finally begun to lose a bit of
weight so I just need to keep the balance right!
is how May looked:
- arena today and some really nice walk and trot serpentines today.Trot leg yield was a bit fast but not
bad.We cantered right first which was a
bit better but I still think we are improving.Left canter we got wrong lead to start then was a bit fast but still
more control than some days.
- lunged today, very good.
- arena today with the 4 poles like a
clock again.Some lovely trot circles
and then some nice canters (bit fast but in control).
- hack today, fast on the way back but very good.
- hack again and we got wet!Fast home
- lunged today and Basil started off by bombing up and down the arena.He then settled to some sensible work.
- hack again today, we managed to walk home today :)
- arena today with some lovely trot serpentines and walk leg yield.We cantered left first which was good but the
right canter was too fast.
- lunged and he ran off once, very naughty.Then good session.
- lunged and Basil kept trying to roll today so very frustrating.
- very nice hack today.
- hack again and we walked home again with no jogging.
- arena today with the 4 poles again, we trotted over them today which Basil
did very well.Canters better too.
- lunged and very good today.
- lunged again with some bucks today, but stayed on circle.
- hack which was fast today.
- very good hack today.
- arena for some walk and trot serpentines today,fast canters and we got wet today :(
- lunged early this morning as the horses are now out at night.Basil was good but probably a bit tired.
- lunged early again today.
Have you seen my last video'One May Day'to my You Tube channel? Horse Life and Love. Please check it out and
You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter for updates onBasil, Tommy
and Daisy.