I hope you all had a great break. December
has been a good month for riding and the Christmas break brought some long
waited for dry weather.Tommy and Basil
have enjoyed not getting wet every day and I managed to wash their tails and
tidy them up a bit.Tommy is, I think, getting a bit more
confident in the field as he will let me give him a piece of apple before I
catch Basil - and he has stopped jumping away as soon as he takes it now
I have definitely noticed some of Basil's naughty
habits returning when we are schooling.He has now discovered he can get his tongue over the pelham just as he could
with the hanging snaffle.This means
that although in some ways I have more control once he gets his tongue over the
bit (generally when cantering) he stops listening to me much.I am not totally out of control but he has
started getting really nappy.I think
this is also partly because I did not school much in November.
we must get back into it.
is how December looked:
- arena today, a little bit icy but we walked and trotted with some leg yield -
Basil wasn't bad considering it is a while since we did any schooling.
– hack out, lovely sunny day and we had a really nice ride.
- lunged and very good until right at the end when a squirrel made him bomb
- hack out again today, Basil was good but we got a bit damp.
- hack again today, another lovely ride and Basil was really good.
- arena today and it was quite windy so Basil was jumpy.Did lots of circles at the stables end with
spirals in walk and trotPretty good.
- hack out today, bit jumpy but generally good, we got very wet today :(
- hack again, a bit windy but pretty good today.
- arena today.Walk and trot serpentines
again, not bad because we have not done much schooling recently.Cantered on each rein, bit fast left rein
first and we managed correct lead.On
the right rein we got the wrong lead first time, bit fast and not listening but
I was generally pleased as it was still windy.
- hack and it was a bit foggy today, wore our hi-viz.Not very enthusiastic to start with but got
better and we mostly enjoyed ourselves.
- lunged and quite silly today.
- arena and a disappointing day today.Trots were too fast from the beginning as Basil just wanted to
canter.Walk leg yields and serpentines.Tried left canter first and really, really
nappy before then got wrong lead then went disunited just really bad.Finally got a fast but OK canter and we did
several circles.Right rein was a bit
nappy, wrong lead and then when we got correct lead Basil cantered very fast.
- hack today.Lots of puddles but
generally good today, less jogging home.
- lunged and very good today.
- Christmas Day hack.Nice, sunny and a
lovely ride but a bit fast walk/jog home.
- lunged today, just one silly moment.
- hack out, a bit of sunshine and was nice to get out but Basil wanted to chase
a cyclist back home and tried to canter after him instead of trotting -
- arena with some walk and trot serpentines and circles.Not too bad but canters much too fast and not
much control - got his tongue over the bit today.
- a very good lunging session today.
- arena today and I decided to put him back in his hanging snaffle so that I
could use my flash noseband.Quite good
walk and trot serpentines, a bit more control I think. Good walk and trot sprials. Cantered left first and pretty good but too
fast.Right canter was very nappy.
Have you seen my latest vlog 'One Wet December Day!' on my You Tube channel, Horse Life and Love? Please
check it out and SUBSCRIBE. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter for updates on Basil, Tommy and Daisy.