Sunday 17 February 2019

January 2019 Review

This has been a very variable month.  I finally decided to get a stronger bit for Basil and after a lot of looking around have chosen to try him in a pelham for a while.  It has made a big difference to my control in the arena and it is now on my terms when we canter and not Basil's!  I feel we have made some good progress with this now but I have also had a few days off riding because I have not been well. 

The road which I have to ride down to go on any hacks is closed for up to 12 weeks, so we can't hack out at the moment :(  So, when the farrier suggested Basil's feet would benefit from a few weeks without shoes I thought now was a good time.  

Tommy has been enjoying the little rain/snow we have had by covering himself in mud - and I have left it on for him!

This is how January looked:

1st - lovely hack today, still walking fast though!

2nd - arena today and we tried shoulder in, just in walk,  not bad on right rein but he was a bit tricky to start with on the left because he did not want to bend around my leg.  Finished better though.  OK canter (too fast) although wrong lead on the left rein to begin with.  Nappy on right rein again, total brake failure today.

6th - lunged today, a dog tried to come through the hedge from the next field and upset Basil to begin with, but went well once he had calmed down.

8th - lovely lunging session today.

9th - school today with our new bit.  I have so much more control, much better canters, he still tried to nap on the right rein but big improvement.

11th - hack today again.  Walking fast again, bit nappy near some donkeys.

12th - lovely hack today :)

18th - lunged today, had a bomb about to begin with but settled to a good session.

19th - hack today, same as other day past donkeys.  Tried to nap again.

22nd - very short lunging today.  Started well but then it started to rain/snow and I did not want Basil to get wet so we stopped.

23rd - shoes off today.

29th - lunged with boots on today, bit silly to begin with but settled.

30th - lunged again with boots.

Have you seen my latest blog 'Gloomy January'  on my You Tube channel?   
Horse Life and Love. Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates on  Basil, Tommy and Daisy.

Until next time!   

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