Sunday 12 May 2019

Our April 2019

Good weather has meant we have really made some progress during April and had some good rides out again and some successful sessions in the arena.  Tommy is now on semi-starvation, so I am limiting his grass to try and reduce his tummy!  Basil is looking well and has just about lost his winter coat, Tommy has quite a bit left to lose.  The fantastic weather we had over Easter let me catch up on quite a few jobs too, which always makes me happy.

This is how April looked:

3rd - rode to the roadworks today and we managed to get closer than we have so far!  Short trot, fast walk home.

5th - lunged today, good but Basil kept cantering for longer than I wanted, in control though.

6th - hack today and the road was OPEN.  We went to the top of the hill past where the roadworks were and past the pigs.  It took a while to get over the bridge as it looks so different with all the work they have done but really pleased because I thought we might not get over on our first try.

7th - arena today.  Trot leg yield was OK, could be more steady.  Canter on the right rein was a bit fast but not bad.  Left canter was 2nd today so keen and not listening and being nappy, wrong lead first attempt.  Once got correct lead still too fast but I still feel we are making progress as I feel more in control.

9th - hack out again all the way over the bridge and to the next village.  Fast walk/jog home.

11th - hack again today, a bit hesitant over bridge today for some reason.  Only  a bit of jogging on the way home.  Good to be out and about again.

12th - arena and I really enjoyed today.  Some lovely walk and trot serpentines and the trot leg yield wasn't bad.  As usual canters were a bit fast but correct leads, more balanced and more control :)

17th - lunged today and loopy, Basil kept wanting to roll and then bombed about. He worked OK in the end though.

19th - arena today and pretty good.  Walk and trot serpentines really nice.  Canter transitions good (not many trot strides though), we had the correct leads, still fast.

20th - hack out and pretty good today considering they were felling trees in a garden by the road.  Mostly walked home (not jogging) but fast walking.

21st - arena today and I have planned some new exercises with some poles set out like a clock, with the poles at 12.00, 3.00, 6.00 and 9.00 o'clock.  Just used them in walk today.  Canters still improving.

22nd - loose shoe so I couldn't go on the hack I had planned :(

23rd - shoe has now come off so I popped Basil's boot on and lunged him, he was very good.

26th - lunged again today (still no shoe) it was quite windy and Basil had a silly moment in the middle but did do what I asked before and after.

27th - storm today so no riding.

28th - arena with my poles again today and we did them in walk and trot today,  really pleased with him as he listened and did what I wanted.  Didn't hesitate or get excited J  Canter circles are getting a bit more balanced.  Wrong lead on right rein to start but trotted and then got correct lead.

30th - hack today, very good. Lovely day.


I have just uploaded a new vlog  'One May Day'   to my You Tube channel. 
Horse Life and Love. Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates on  Basil, Tommy and Daisy.

Until next time!   

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