Sunday 14 July 2019

Ragwort is a Real Risk

A few weeks ago someone told me that they had read a letter in the newspaper arguing that ragwort is not poisonous to horses.  Everything I have read tells me this is not true and that ragwort IS POISONOUS TO HORSES, and anyway I am not willing to take the risk.

When I first moved the horses to the field they are in now it was winter, but in the spring it quickly became obvious that ragwort had been allowed to grow and seed in the field in the past.  As the seeds can lie dormant for years it is going to be a constant battle even if I do dig it all up every year that I see it.  Each year a plant or two pops up in a different area of the field and I have to dig it up.  As I walk the field fairly regularly I keep an eye out for the rosettes that appear in their first growing season.  

If I miss them in the first year and again early in the year (rarely) then there is no chance of missing them once they flower and then I rush to get rid of it before it seeds.  

Ragwort causes liver damage when eaten. If your horse eats small amounts over a long period of time the toxic effects can build up causing the same effects as if he ate a large quantity all at once.  Unfortunately, there are often no signs that anything is wrong until it is too late to help. The only option is euthanasia.

Signs of Liver damage (Ragwort poisoning)

Horses become lethargic and depressed.  They can develop a yellow tinge to their gums and eyes (jaundice) and may become photosensitive (pink skin becomes inflamed when exposed to sunlight – like sunburn). 

Horses with liver damage often lose weight even when still eating well and develop abdominal pains and diarrhoea.  They can become aggressive and show other behavioural changes such as loss of coordination  and seizures.  

 As the liver failure progresses horses may go blind, fight to breathe, wander or stagger. Often symptoms can progress so quickly that the first an owner knows of the problem is finding their horse dead. 

The best way to prevent this is to remove all traces of the ragwort from your horses reach.

The Plant

Luckily ragwort has an unpleasant taste, and most horses won’t eat it – but it is not worth the risk. Young plants are less bitter and when ragwort dies it loses its unpleasant taste. Therefore using a weed killer is not a safe option. It is equally important to check your hay or haylage before feeding it to your horse.
  1. Ragwort rosettes can be found from early spring onwards.
  2. Mature plants flower from May to October and can reach up to two metres in height.
  3. After flowering, most of the plants die and the seeds germinate in the area where the mature plant had been.
  4. Each of the plants will produce thousands of seeds which will be dispersed by the wind, you or your animals.

Dealing with Ragwort

Ragwort is also harmful to humans. Make sure you wear protective gloves and cover your arms and legs when handling it. If you do touch the plant then thoroughly wash the area with warm soapy water.

The best way to remove the plant is to pull the whole plant including the roots. It is best to do this at the seedling or rosette stage. Pulling (or digging) the plant after rainfall makes it easier because the ground will be softer.  However, don't leave it until it is easier to remove, dig it up immediately.

As ragwort can regenerate from any root fragment it is essential to remove as much of the root as possible. There are special forks available to help remove the roots.  If possible remove the ragwort before it flowers, if not use a face mask to avoid inhaling the pollen.

Specialist sprays are now available for attacking a widespread infestation. Fields must then be rested for the recommended time. DON’T FORGET that the dead plant is still poisonous, so you must remove all traces before putting your horses back out.

Disposal of the Ragwort is again critical, the best and most effective way is to burn the plant.

Key Points:
·         Ragwort remains toxic when sprayed, cut, dug or pulled
·         Once cut the flower can still set seed and these are still viable
·         In its fresh (just cut) state it is difficult to burn
·         Can only be composted in controlled conditions
·         Should only be transported in sealed bags or containers

I find a few plants in my field every year, I dig them up because the ground is always too hard to pull them.  I always wear gloves and put them straight into a container to carry up the field.  They then stay in the container whilst they die and dry out before I burn the plants.

Have you seen June's video 'Sun at Last' on my  You Tube channel, Horse Life and Love?
Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.

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Until next time!

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