Sunday 1 December 2019

Basil's Teeth Problems - Update

I thought I would give you an update on Basil today. In my blog a couple of weeks ago I let you all know that Basil had a problem with his teeth again.  The vet came out a month after finding the chunk of food stuck between Basil's molars on the lower right side of his mouth.  Unfortunately, although there were signs that his gum was starting to heal the vet felt that he was likely to get more food caught up before it totally recovered. 

This meant that Basil had to go on a little trip in the trailer up to the vets.  If you watch my vlogs on You Tube you will know that I had been practising getting Basil on the trailer for the month because it was possible he would have to go and hadn't travelled for a few years.

I was so pleased with him as he walked all the way onto the trailer with only a little nudge from the vet.  Once on he became a bit stressed, he has never been a great traveller, so in the interests of his safety and my peace of mind he had a little sedation for his 10 minute trip.  This is a huge advantage with my current vets as the last time Basil went for dental work it was 45 minutes in the trailer. 

If I am honest I got a bit upset leaving him there, even though it was only for a couple of hours, but of course he was fine!  I picked him up just after lunch and although he was still a little sleepy the vet helped me get him back on the trailer.  He was calm on the trip home and when I drove in Tommy looked up and trotted up the field from the far corner where he had been stuffing his face.  I am so pleased that Tommy is good at being on his own as it was one less thing to worry about.  Basil had to stay on the yard until he was fully awake but then he went out in the field for a couple of hours. 

The vet had cleared the area out again and filled the gap so that more food can't get stuck.  He also took the opportunity to clear a few bits out of the other side of Basil's mouth.  The vet gave me some painkillers for Basil (I opted for the syringe as he is so difficult with stuff in his food).  He had these for a few days but to be honest did not seem to be as uncomfortable as when the vet cleared it out a month ago.  

I have to organise for the vet to come out to check how things are in February but for now we can all relax.  

Have you seen my latest vlog 'November News'  on my You Tube channel, Horse Life and Love? Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates on Basil, Tommy and Daisy.

Until next time!   

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