Sunday 14 April 2019

5 Things To Do This Spring

This is it then, Spring is here!  More daylight, more sunshine and more time to do things - I am always so glad when April arrives.  As those of you who follow me on You Tube will know Spring is also when I have a really big tidy and clean and sort out of the stables and other areas.  It is also the time for some serious field maintenance!  So here are 5 things that I will be doing this Spring.

Managing my grazing - with just Basil and Tommy now I have found that I have had more than enough grass this winter without having to give them much hay in the field.  However, this is very likely to be a problem over the Spring and Summer as I will have TOO much grass for them.  Each year I divide the field up and restrict grazing but this year it will be even more important.  I have to be very careful that Tommy does not get over weight (he is a good doer) and guard against Laminitis.
  • Once the field is dry enough, but not too dry I can chain harrow.  Getting the timing right on this is tricky because the soil has a high clay content which means it is VERY wet in the winter and then gets very dry in the summer.  I find there is a very small window (of 2-3 days) which is the optimum time to harrow.  The furrows take much longer to dry out but the ridges are rock hard really quickly.
  • Once the field is harrowed I divide it up so that I can restrict the horses grazing but also so that I can work on the resting half.  The first step is spot treating the annual weeds; docks, thistles. nettles and buttercups.  This is a never ending battle but I just try to prevent them taking over, I will never get rid of them all.  I have a hand held sprayer that I walk around the field with, trying to walk in lines so I don't miss any.
  • Check the fencing, although I check the fence regularly the Spring is a good time to get posts and rails fixed.  The clay soil causes problems with these too as the ground gets so wet during the winter that posts rot quite quickly and have to be replaced every 5 years or so.  I don't have many rails around the field as I have Horserail which is perfect for a crib biter/wind sucker like Basil.
  • Poo picking, some people are very good and do this throughout the winter, I am not one of those people.  As the worms are dormant during this time I use this as an excuse not to attempt to push a wheel barrow through heavy clay each week.  However, as the soil warms up they get active so now is the time to start that regular job again.
  • Worm testing, to go along with the poo picking egg counts start again and I test for Tapeworm in April too. 
Obviously, there are lots of other things to do in the Spring, like going for longer sunnier rides, spending time brushing all the loose hair from your horse, washing tails, trimming manes ... the list goes on :)

Luckily I get a lovely warm feeling as I do each and every one of these Spring Things To Do.

I have just uploaded a new vlog  'Hello April' on my You Tube channel?   Horse Life and Love
Please check it out and SUBSCRIBE.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates on Basil, Tommy and Daisy.

Until next time!   

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